Misa Shinshi
Free lance photographer
Based in Kyoto,Japan
Language : Japanese/English/French
2021年 京都市立芸術大学美術学部油画専攻 卒業
2023-2024年 フランス,パリ滞在
2018 2月 京都市立芸大作品展 , 京都市立芸術大学校内 (Kyoto)
2月 写真展「なんか一人となんか二人」, ANTIQUE belle GALLERY (Kyoto)
7月 油画専攻グループ展「17。」, 京都市立芸術大学校内 (Kyoto)
2019 2月 京都市立芸大作品展 , 京都市立芸術大学校内 (Kyoto)
10月 写真展「オクトーバー写真研究会 大展覧会」, C.A.P 4階ギャラリー (Kobe)
2020 2月 京都市立芸大作品展 , 京都市立芸術大学校内 (Kyoto)
9月 Group Exhibition 『Tourbillon 18』,Oギャラリーeyes (Osaka)
2021 2月 京都市立芸大作品展 , 京都市京セラ美術館 (Kyoto)
6月 "the sight of the stars makes me dream", SCÈNE (Tokyo)
9月 "Where is love entrance", kumagusuku / Kyoto Makers Garage (Kyoto)
12月 "MINT" , KAGANHOTEL (Kyoto)
2022 6月 "metasequoia kyomachibori art fair2022" , chignitta space (Osaka)
10月 "層をなす/be in layers" , kumagusuku (Kyoto)
11月 "IN THE FLOW", 松栄堂 薫習館 (Kyoto)
2023 4月 "うつろうかたち",まるとしかく(Shiga)
5月 "汽水域",バイソンギャラリー(Hyogo)
2024 2月 "SILENT RESONANCE", Galerie Lulla (Los Angeles)
2019 9月 "ONE'S" , LINDA HOSTEL 106 (Osaka)
2020 7月 "Flow" , KAGANHOTEL (Kyoto)
2022 5月 "Shape of time" , atelier ST,CAT (Tokyo)
2023 7月 "立ち現れる輪郭", chignitta space (Osaka)
2022 6月 "metasequoia kyomachibori art fair 2022" 笹貫淳子賞
Born in Kyoto, Japan.
Graduated from Kyoto City University of Arts in 2021 with a degree in oil painting.
2023-2024 Lived in Paris,France.
While doing client work as a freelance photographer for editorial and other projects,
Also works in the genres of both oil painting and photography.
The theme of my paintings is the eternity in time and the circulation of materials as an act of going back to the basis of the modern high-consumption society.
Focusing on stones that constantly change their form by the exogenic processes, I try to put the correspondence between nature and self into paintings.
Group exhibitions
2024 Feb. "SILENT RESONANCE", Galerie Lulla (Los Angeles)
2023 May "Brackish waters" (Bison Gallery/Hyogo)
Apr. "waning form" (Marutoshikaku/Shiga)
2022 Nov. "IN THE FLOW" (Shoeido Kunjukan/Kyoto)
Oct. "be in layers" , (kumagusuku/Kyoto)
Jun. "metasequoia kyomachibori art fair2022" , (chignitta space/Osaka)
2021 Dec. "MINT" (KAGANHOTEL /Kyoto)
Sep. "Where is love entrance" (kumagusuku & Kyoto Makers Garage /Kyoto)
Jun. "the sight of the stars makes me dream" (SCÈNE /Tokyo)
Feb. "KCUA exhibition of works "(Kyoto City KYOCERA Museum of Art/Kyoto)
2020 Sep. "Tourbillon 18" (O Gallery eyes /Osaka)
Feb. "KCUA exhibition of works " (Kyoto City University of Arts/Kyoto)
2019 Oct. "The Oktober Photographic Society Grand Exhibition"( C.A.P Gallery4F /Kobe)
Feb. "KCUA exhibition of works " (Kyoto City University of Arts/Kyoto)
2018 Jul. "17." (Kyoto City University of Arts/Kyoto)
Feb. "Something One and Something Two" (ANTIQUE belle GALLERY /Kyoto)
Feb. "KCUA exhibition of works " (Kyoto City University of Arts/Kyoto)
Solo xhibitions
2023 Jul. "Emerging Contours", chignitta space (Osaka)
2022 Ma "Shape of time" , atelier ST,CAT (Tokyo)
2020 Jul. "Flow" , KAGANHOTEL (Kyoto)
2019 Sep. "ONE'S" , LINDA HOSTEL 106 (Osaka)
2022 Jun. "metasequoia kyomachibori art fair 2022" Junko Sasanuki's Award
Please contact me using the contact form below to request a job.